Reviewed Programs & Credentials

Browse our extensive listings of professional credentials that have been approved for college credit.

Girl Find Your Experience

Grouped by industry, the external credentials and organization-specific training programs listed on this page have been reviewed for college credit. Students may apply these credits to any part of a degree program, including their major, as long as the credits do not exceed the limitation of transferable credits from any one source and the appropriate documentation is submitted. Scroll through the list below and click the link for details about college credits and related degree programs. For more information on how to get your experience submitted for credit, visit our PLA Portal

Please be advised that the Prior Learning Assessment process and the resulting credit awards are specific to the organization sponsoring the reviewed training program or issuing the reviewed credential.  The credit awards are not transferable to other organizations with similar training programs or credentials. This is because our review process includes academically significant elements and examines common industry standards and curricula.

PLA credit can only be awarded with official documents from the reviewed training source; training programs or certifications with similar names do not qualify for PLA credit. Prior Learning training can be assessed for credit before enrollment, but the student must be enrolled in courses when the credit is posted to their official academic record. Additionally, the last five courses in a student's degree must be taken at EXT. 

All external learning other than an accredited college or university must be submitted to the Director of Prior Learning before being transcribed on the academic record. Documents can be uploaded at the time of application or emailed to for Assessment. 

The list below represents common prior learning opportunities, but experiences are continuously being assessed. The University also accepts many experiences approved by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) or by the American Council on Education's CREDIT program.

Standardized Credit

Computer Certifications

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
A+ Hardware Certification3SEC100- Introduction to Personal Computer Hardware6/1/2020
A+ Software Certification3SEC101- Introduction to Computer Software6/1/2020
SEC+ Certification3SEC200- Introduction to Computer Security Techniques6/1/2020
Network + Certification3SEC201- Introduction to Networking6/1/2020
CCNA I & II Certification3SEC230- Networking and Telecommunications6/1/2020
CCNA III & IV Certification3SEC231- Advanced Networking6/1/2020
CISSP Certification3SEC300- Security Techniques II6/1/2020

U.S. Federal Government

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETA Uniform Police Training Program (UPTP)3CJS201- Substantive Criminal Law7/15/2021
FLETA Uniform Police Training Program (UPTP)3Liberal Arts Elective7/15/2021
FLETA Uniform Police Training Program (UPTP)3CJS405- Introduction to Criminal Investigation7/15/2021
FLETA Uniform Police Training Program (UPTP)3PPSS220- Criminal Procedure for Public Safety7/15/2021
FLETA Uniform Police Training Program (UPTP)3CJS203- Criminal Procedure7/15/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC U.S. Border Control Agent Basic Training3LS430- Special Topics in Legal Studies7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Border Control Agent Basic Training3PPSS110- Introduction to Policing7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Border Control Agent Basic Training3SPN101- Elementary Spanish I7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Border Control Agent Basic Training3SPN102- Elementary Spanish II7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Border Control Agent Basic Training3SCS Elective7/15/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Customs and Border Protection Officer Basic Training (CBPOBT)3CJS407- Terrorism7/23/2021
Customs and Border Protection Officer Basic Training (CBPOBT)3CJS424- Securing the Homeland7/23/2021
Customs and Border Protection Officer Basic Training (CBPOBT)3Liberal Arts Elective7/23/2021
Customs and Border Protection Officer Basic Training (CBPOBT)3CJS428- Crime Prevention7/23/2021
Customs and Border Protection Officer Basic Training (CBPOBT)3CJS201- Substantive Criminal Law7/23/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3CJS430- Special Topics in Criminal Justice7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3CJS Elective7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)4Liberal Arts Elective7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3PSYCH Elective7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3CJS105- Introduction to Criminal Justice7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3CJS150- Policing in America7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3CJS330- Corrections in the United States7/23/2021
Basic Deputy Training (BDUSMI)3LS101- The American Legal System7/23/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC (IDEOB) Immigration Detention Enforcement Officer Basic Training*3CJS331- Special Problems in Corrections Administration7/15/2021
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC (IOBTC) Immigration Officer Basic Training Course*3LS430- Special Topics in Legal Studies7/15/2021
FLETC (IOBTC) Immigration Officer Basic Training Course*3SPN101-Elementary Spanish I7/15/2021
FLETC (IOBTC) Immigration Officer Basic Training Course*3SPN102- Elementary Spanish II7/15/2021
FLETC (IOBTC) Immigration Officer Basic Training Course*3SCS Elective7/15/2021
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*3LS430- Special Topics in Legal Studies7/15/2021
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*3SPN101- Elementary Spanish I7/15/2021
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*3SPN102- Elementary Spanish II7/15/2021
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*3CJS201- Substantive Criminal Law7/15/2021
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*3PPSS220- Criminal Procedure for Public Safety7/15/2021
FLETC Integrated Immigration Special Agent Basic Training*4SCS Elective7/15/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC U.S. Customs Inspector Basic Training*3CJS430- Customs Law Enforce7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Customs Inspector Basic Training*3SCS Elective7/15/2021
FLETC U.S. Customs Inspector Basic Training*3CJS150-Policing in America or PPSS110- Introduction to Policing7/15/2021

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3CJS210- Law of Evidence7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3CJS308- Criminology7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3CJS320- Civil and Criminal Procedure in the US Courts7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3CJS405- Introduction to Criminal Investigation7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3CJS424- Securing the Homeland7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3COMM201- Concepts in Communication7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program3PSYCH280-Introduction to Psychopathology7/15/2021
FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program1CPR7/15/2021

Credit Optional Online Courses

Students planning to pursue the undergraduate degree in Business should discuss how the following business courses may related to their degree plan. The Gabelli School is accredited by AACSB International, representing the highest achievement standard for business schools worldwide. An academic advisor will be able to assist you. 

CourseCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
BUS101- Business Writing I3WTNG2996/1/2020
BUS102- Business Writing II3WTNG Elective6/1/2020
BUS103- Interpersonal Relations3COMM2506/1/2020
BUS201- Intro to Customer Service3COMM2996/1/2020
BUS202- Project Management I3SCS4306/1/2020
BUS203- Adv. Customer Service3PR4306/1/2020
BUS204- Project Management II3BUSN1006/1/2020
BUS205- Fundamentals of Sales2STCOM Elective6/1/2020
BUS208-Experiential Learning Sales1STCOM Elective6/1/2020
BUS206-Sales Communications2STCOM Elective6/1/2020
BUS207-Sales Technology1STCOM Elective6/1/2020
Communications & Marketing
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
COM150- Public Speaking3IDS210 or COMM2106/1/2020
INT101- Internship Practicum2SCS4406/1/2020
INT102- Internship Seminar2SCS4406/1/2020
MKT201-Marketing Strategy and Analytics2MRKT Elective6/1/2020
MKT202-Digital Campaigns2PR4306/1/2020
 Computer & Information Services
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
CIS101-Intro to Computer Applications 3SEC1016/1/2020
CIS102-Advanced Microsoft Excel3CIS1056/1/2020
CIS103-Database Management3CIS3356/1/2020
CIS201-Computer Hardware3SEC1006/1/2020
CIS202-Operating Systems3COMSC2606/1/2020
CIS203-Computer Support Network3SEC2016/1/2020
CIS301-Software Testing and Quality Assurance3COMSC3306/1/2020
CIS302-Front End Web Develop.3WEB2996/1/2020

We accept selected Sophia Learning courses as external learning. Transcripts should be uploaded at the time of application. We do not accept Sophia Learning courses once the student enrolls.

We accept selected courses as external learning.  Transcripts should be uploaded at the time of application. We do not accept courses once the student enrolls.

We accept selected Saylor Academy courses as external learning.  Transcripts should be uploaded at the time of application. We do not accept Sophia Learning courses once the student enrolls.

CWPD Partner Programs

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Data Navigators2Humanities Elective8/28/2020
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Microsoft Office Specialist3Humanities Elective8/28/2020
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
CYCLE: CSI 21PR4308/28/2020
CYCLE: CSI 12PR4309/1/2022
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
PPL Rhode Coder1Web Elective8/28/2020

This program is a 4-year program. Credits are given at the conclusion of the program.  For credit recommendation for any year less than the completed program, please reach out to your advisor or the Director of Prior Learning Assessment

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date



CNST100- Introduction to Construction Management




CNST116-Computer Applications for Construction




CNST130-Plans, Specifications and Building Codes




CNST201-Advanced Construction Methods and Materials + Lab




CNST302-Surveying + Lab





Construction Project Management and Safety + Lab



The following credits have been evaluated and are recommended for Standardized Credit at RWU Extension School for those who come into RWU with a Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Certificate, without transferable credits. Students who complete a DOE approved program for Medical Assistant are eligible to take the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) exam. THE RMA is a voluntary, national credential for the medical assisting profession.  

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date

Anatomy & Physiology I




Anatomy & Physiology II




Computer & Information Literacy


CIS Elective


Health Administration & Records Mgmt.






HCA Elective


Clinical Procedures


HCA Elective


The Virtual Medical Office






HCA Elective


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
CDP & CIT: Board for the Certification of Chemical Dependency30TBD6/1/15

Credit for the following courses, formally offered through the Rhode Island Department of Substance Abuse, will be awarded for eligible students. However, credit for these courses will not be granted if they are included in the 30 credits awarded for the CDP/CIT Certification. 

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
AIDS & IV Drug User 11SHS Elective6/1/2020
Supervision Workshop3SHS Elective6/1/2020
Family Counseling Workshop3SHS Elective6/1/2020
Group Counseling Workshop3PSYCH Elective6/1/2020
Theories & Techniques of Counseling3SHS4086/1/2020
Counseling of Women3SHS Elective6/1/2020
Counseling I1SHS Elective6/1/2020
Counseling II1SHS Elective6/1/2020
Counseling III1SHS Elective6/1/2020
Training In-Service Training (TAT) L-Course3SHS Elective6/1/2020
Training In-Service Training (TAT) S-Course1SHS Elective6/1/2020
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Standard First Aid1LIBARTS Elective6/1/2020
Advanced First Aid2LIBARTS Elective6/1/2020
CPR1LIBARTS Elective6/1/2020
CPR Instructor1LIBARTS Elective6/1/2020
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
EMT6SCS Elective6/1/2020
EMT-A9SCS Elective6/1/2020
EMT-C12SCS Elective6/1/2020
EMS Basic6EMS 1216/1/2020
EMS Paramedic I6EMS 2116/1/2020
EMS Paramedic II6EMS 2126/1/2020
EMS Paramedic III6EMS 3116/1/2020
EMS Paramedic IV6EMS 3126/1/2020
Emergency Medical Technician6SCS Elective1/25/2021

 Para medicine offered by Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Paramedicine Program40SCS Elective6/1/2015
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Classroom & Course Work2SHS Elective6/1/2020
Clinical Hours3SHS 4406/1/2020

 *SHS courses count towards Social Science requirements for AA/AS and BGS in Humanities, Social Science & Individualized. 

  Northeast Regional Support Center

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date

Adolescence Intervention Strategies


SHS Elective


Women in Treatment


SHS Elective


    New England Institute of Alcohol Studies

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date

Each One Week Workshop


SHS Elective


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Introduction & Overview3PSYCH100 or SHS1006/1/2020
Physiology and Pharmacology of Alcohol and Other Drugs3PSYCH3906/1/2020
Law & Ethics3PSYCH299 or HCA4136/1/2020
Individual, Group & Family Counseling3SHS4576/1/2020
Case Management3PSYCH356 or SHS4086/1/2020
Personal & Professional Growth3PSYCH4306/1/2020
Field Practicum3PSYCH4996/1/2020
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Classroom Training3SHS258-Social and Health Services and Family Systems2/10/2021
x3SCS430-Special Topics in Continuing Studies2/10/2021
Field Experience2SCS Elective2/10/2021
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
POCA Auricular Technician2HCA Elective10/1/2024
Community Health Worker3PH Elective10/1/2024
x3PH 430: Community Health10/1/2024
Peer Recovery Specialist3SHS Elective10/1/2024
Blackbelt Lean Six Sigma1In Process10/1/2024
Certified Medical Administrative Specialist3In Process10/1/2024
x3In Process10/1/2024
Crisis Intervention Team Training3Psych Elective10/1/2024

Law Enforcement 

 New Jersey State Police Instructor Training: 

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Instructor Training Course3PA430- Special Topics in Public Administration6/1/2020
Instructor Training Course3PPSS Elective6/1/2020

To receive credit, students must score a 75% or better on the exit exam. The Justice System Training and Research Institute is part of Roger Williams University. It provides high-quality, academically challenging professional development training to justice system personnel and serves as an applied research resource and information provider for the criminal justice community to enhance the professionalism of the justice system.   



EXT Course

Approval Date

First Supervisor Training


CJS420- Justice Studies Capstone


TrainingCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS105-Introduction to Criminal Justice1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS150-Policing in America1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS201-Substantive Criminal Law1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS203-Criminal Procedure1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS204-Constitutional Law1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3CJS212-Police Community Relations1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3PPSS200-Introduction to Public Safety Technology1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training1IDS299-Professional Ethics1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training3PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
MA. Municipal Police Training2PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
CodeTrainingCourse & Degree CategoryCreditApproval Date
CERT-PDRIMPAPPSS110 or CJS15034/19/2022

EXT has assessed the training done through the Rhode Island Department of Corrections. These credits are now standardized. Students who have completed the Rhode Island Corrections Academy will receive up to the following 15 credits towards their degree/certificate at EXT. 

CourseCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
RI Corrections Academy3CJS330-Corrections in the United States or PSS 120-Introduction to Corrections6/1/2020
RI Corrections Academy3PPSS Elective or CJS Elective6/1/2020
RI Corrections Academy3PPSS Elective or CJS Elective6/1/2020
RI Corrections Academy3Humanities or Social Science Elective6/1/2020
RI Corrections Academy3CJS469-Justice Studies Practicum6/1/2020
RI Corrections Academy1Humanities or Social Science Elective (CPR)4/4/2021
Experience / Certificate NameCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Advanced Death & Cold Case1PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Inside the Tape1PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Interviewing & Interrogation2PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Conducting Homicide Investigations1PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Practical Homicide Investigations1PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Field Office Training2PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Hostage Rescue2PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Emergency Services Tactical Ops3PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Providence Basic Tactical Operations3PPSS Elective or CJS Elective1/25/2021
Cooper Fitness Instructor2Liberal Arts Elective1/25/2021
Basic Crisis Negotiation3CJS430-Basic Crisis Negotiation7/23/21
Scientific Investigations I (URI)4FSI101-Survey of Forensics1/25/2021
Scientific Investigations II (URI)4NATSC226-Forensic Science and Lab1/25/2021
ARIDE: Basic Drug Training3CJS430-Special Topics in Criminal Justice7/23/2021
ARIDE: Advanced3PSYC 390-Substance Abuse7/23/2021
ARIDE: Drug Recognition Expert3CJS305-Drugs, Society, and Behavior7/23/2021
Experience / Certificate NameCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Youth Worker Certificate1CD Elective7/23/21
School Resource Officer Management 1Liberal Arts Elective7/23/21
School Resource Officer Basic2Liberal Arts Elective7/23/21
Resource Officer Advanced1PPSS Elective or CJS Elective7/23/21
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Basic Telecommunicator3PPSS Tech Class10/1/2024
Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD), Includes CPR3In Process10/1/2024
Emergency Fire Dispatch (EFD), Includes CPR3In Process10/1/2024
Emergency Police Dispatch (EPD), Includes CPR3In Process10/1/2024
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians3In Process10/1/2024
First Responder (NREMT)3In Process10/1/2024

Trade Programs 

TrainingCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Basic Electricity3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Elevator Systems3SCS Elective7/1/2017
AC/DC Motors4SCS Elective7/1/2017
Control Systems6SCS Elective7/1/2017
Conversion I4SCS Elective7/1/2017
Conversion II3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Repair I3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Repair III3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Maintenance I3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Maintenance III3SCS Elective7/1/2017
Solid State I2SCS Elective7/1/2017
Solid State I & II10SCS Elective7/1/2017

Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3)

TrainingCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
STTRADE3SCS Elective7/1/2022
First Aid & CPR1Liberal Arts Elective7/1/2022

Building Futures Construction Pre-Apprenticeship

TrainingCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Pre-Apprenticeship Training3CNST Elective8/1/2022
Pre-Apprenticeship Training2TLM Elective8/1/2022
First Aid & CPR1SOSCI Elective7/1/2022
Course/TrainingCreditEXT  CourseApproval Date
Trade Skills 1003RWU99911/1/2017
Hoistway Structures 2003RWU99911/1/2017
Electric Fundamentals 3003RWU99911/1/2017
Electric Theory & Application 4003RWU99911/1/2017
Installation 5004RWU99911/1/2017
Solid State 6003RWU99911/1/2017
Power & Logic 7003RWU99911/1/2017
Advanced Topics in Elevators 8004RWU99911/1/2017
(OJT) Experiential Learning Year 13RWU99911/1/2017
(OJT) Experiential Learning Year 23RWU99911/1/2017
(OJT) Experiential Learning Year 33RWU99911/1/2017
Course/TrainingCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
First Year Training10SCS Elective2/10/2021
Second Year Training10SCS Elective2/10/2021
Third Year Training10SCS Elective2/10/2021
Fourth Year Training12SCS Elective2/10/2021

To receive ACE college credits for IEC apprenticeship training, please follow the steps below.

Contact your local IEC chapter to verify and ensure your student record is on file and have completed all necessary documentation for your training.

Email the transcripts to

Additional training offered through ALLIANCE will be given college credits based on the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®) recommended credits.

Students may receive up to the following credits based on their degree program and other credits coming from all other sources.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Brick Layer Apprenticeship25In Process10/1/2024
Tile Mechanics25In Process10/1/2024
Roofing15SCS Elective10/1/2024
Four Year Program15 Credits Per YearIn Process10/1/2024

Apprentices who complete their apprenticeship can earn up to 32 credits for their experience. 

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
United Association Apprenticeship32In Process11/01/2024

Community & State Service

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Local Government (Two Year Minimum)3PA305-State and Local Government8/6/2021
Local Government (Two Year Minimum)3PA306-City Management8/6/2021
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Local Government (Four years or more)3PA305-State and Local Government8/26/2021
Local Government (Four years or more)3PA306-City Management8/26/2021
Local Government (Four years or more)3PA202-Studies in Public Administration8/26/2021
Local Government (Four years or more)3PA340-Public Policy8/26/2021
Local Government (Four years or more)3PA360-Communication in Organizations8/26/2021
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
RI General Assembly (Two Year Term Minimum)3PA202-Studies in Public Administration8/6/2021
RI General Assembly (Two Year Term Minimum)3PA305-State and Local Government8/6/2021
RI General Assembly (Two Year Term Minimum)3PA340-Public Policy8/6/2021
RI General Assembly (Two Year Term Minimum)3PA360-Communication in Organizations8/6/2021
RI General Assembly (Two Year Term Minimum)3POLSC Elective8/6/2021


Below you will find a variety of positions and trainings that receive college credit.

Child Development Associate

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Early Childhood Education Training CDA3EDPR100-Child Development and Practice- Infants/Toddlers7/23/21
Early Childhood Education Training CDA3EDPR105-Professionalism: Infants and Toddlers7/23/21

The Extension School awards up to 15 Credits for Prior Learning for Teaching Assistants. The amount of credit will depend on the length of employment as a Teaching Assistant in Rhode Island. This credit will come in as courses in Liberal Arts and may not count towards requirements for a degree in Education.

In addition, one credit is transferable as a Liberal Arts credit for any degree, if you have completed the Teachers Assistant Training Program offered through CCRI or another institution through a noncredit training program, you will have to provide a RIDE certificate or evidence of successful completion of all classes, assignments, job shadowing, and the final exam.

CCRI Teachers Assistant Training Program

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Teachers Assistant Training Program1Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020

Verified Hours/ Years Worked

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
45 hours1Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
90 hours2Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
135 hours3Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
180 hours4Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
225 hours5Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
270 hours6Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
315 hours7Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
360 hours8Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
405 hours9Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
450 hours10Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
495 hours11Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
540 hours12Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
585 hours13Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
630 hours14Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020
675 hours15Liberal Arts Elective6/1/2020

School Nurses

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
School Nursing Experience3SHS409-Methods and Procedures of School Nursing7/23/21
School Nursing Experience3SHS435-Organization and Administration of School Health7/23/21

Fire Fighting

CodeTrainingCourse & Degree CategoryCreditApproval Date
NFPAConfined Space Rescue TechnicianPPSS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAFire & Emergency Service OfficerEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAFire InstructorCJS Elective34/27/2022
NFPAHealth and Safety OfficerPPSS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAIncident Safety OfficerPPSS Elective14/27/2022
NFPALive Burn Train and TrainerEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPARope Rescue Technician IEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPARope Rescue Technician IIEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPACommand and Control of Incident OpsPPSS Elective34/27/2022
NFPARope Rescue Operations RefresherEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAFireground Support OperationsEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPADriver/Operator-Pumper, Ariel, TillerEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAFire Apparatus Driver TrainingEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAEmergency Vehicle Driving PracticesEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAHAZMAT Operations & TechnicianEMS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAHealth and Safety OfficerPPSS Elective14/27/2022
NFPAIncident Safety OfficerPPSS Elective34/27/2022
NFPAPlan ReviewPPSS Elective14/27/2022
NFPARapid InterventionPPSS Elective14/27/2022
CodeTrainingCourse & Degree CategoryCreditDate
NFPAFirefighter IPPSS Elective94/27/2022
NFPAFirst Responder TrainingPPSS or CJS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAHAZMAT Operations & TechnicianEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAPumper ProgramCJS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAArial ProgramEMS Elective24/27/2022
NFPAAdvanced Fire TrainingSCS44044/27/2022
NFPAEMT BasicEMS12164/27/2022

East Providence Firefighters then go through an additional 320 hours of training, which include live burns and lifesaving techniques, as well and additional 400 hours of EMT Training. The EMT training consists of basic and Cardiac level.

National Service Programs

There are two levels for AmeriCorp Programs

Member VISTA

12 Credits @ 135 hours Undergraduate or 3 Credits Graduate

AmeriCorp Leader

15 Credits @ 135 hours Undergraduate or 3 Credits Graduate

Undergrad Credits should be chosen based on the number of credit hours.

CredentialCreditECY CourseApproval Date
All students receive these credits3CD101-Strategies in Community and Neighborhood7/23/21
 3IDS150-Cultural Awareness in a Global Society7/23/21
 3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/23/21
 3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/23/21
Additional Credits as needed based on position3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/23/21

 Graduate Credit Determined by Portfolio

*A student may not be awarded any credit as a graduate student if the credit was awarded for their undergraduate degree

ExperienceCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Experience regardless of job title3To be determined by portfolio7/23/21

There are three levels of a VISTA:

Member VISTA

  • 15 Credits @ 135 hours Undergraduate or 3 Credits Graduate

VISTA Leader

  • 18 Credits @ 135 hours Undergraduate or 3 Credits Graduate

Summer Associate

  • 7 credits/ 8 Credits/ 9 Credits @ 320/360/400 Hours Undergraduate or 3 Credits Graduate

Undergrad Credits should be chosen based on the number of credit hours listed above.

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
All students receive these credits3CD101-Strategies in Community and Neighborhood7/25/2021
All students receive these credits3IDS150-Cultural Awareness in a Global Society7/25/2021
All students receive these credits1-3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/25/2021
All students receive these credits3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/25/2021
Additional Credits as needed based on position3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/25/2021
Additional Credits as needed based on position3COUP460 or Specialized Major 460 (i.e. COMM460)7/25/2021

Graduate Credit Determined by Portfolio

*A student may not be awarded any credit as a graduate student if the credit was awarded for their undergraduate degree.

ExperienceCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Experience regardless of job title3To be determined by portfolio7/23/21

Real Estate

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Sales Pre License3REAL 101 - Introduction to Real Estate10/1/2024
Broker Pre License3REAL279 - Real Estate Broker10/1/2024
License Renewal2REAL279 - License Renewal10/1/2024
Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR)1REAL279 - ABR10/1/2024
Seller Representative Specialist (SRS)1REAL279 - SRS10/1/2024
Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE)1REAL279 - RENE10/1/2024
E-PRO1REAL279 - EPRO10/1/2024
Right Start1REAL279 - Right Start10/1/2024
Certified Negotiation Expert1REAL279 - Certified Negotiation Expert10/1/2024
CRS 2011REAL279 - CRS10/1/2024
CRS 202 Effective Buyer Sales Strategies1REAL379 -Effective Buyer Sales Strategies10/1/2024
Basic Appraisal Principles I2REAL279 -Appraisals Principles 110/1/2024
Basic Appraisal Principles II2REAL379 - Appraisals Principles II10/1/2024


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date

Chili Manager In Development

2MGMT 269: Service Management10/1/2024
Chili Manager In Development3FS 269: Food Management10/1/2024
Chili Manager In Development3FS 369: Restaurant Operations10/1/2024
Chili Head Manager Academy3MGMT 310: Human Resources Management10/1/2024
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
ServeSafe Food Protection Manager Certificate3FS 169: Food Safety10/1/2024


ACE has set forth the following college credit recommendations for PADI courses:

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Open Water Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Advanced Open Water Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Rescue Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Divemaster2SCS Elective10/1/2024
Instructor Development2SCS Elective10/1/2024
Deep Diver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Night Diver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Dry Suit Diver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Search & Rescue Diver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Underwater Navigator Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Wreck Diver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Enriched Driver Specialty1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Tec/40 Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Tec/45 Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Tec/50 Diver1SCS Elective10/1/2024
Tec Trimix2SCS Elective10/1/2024
Emergency First Response Instructor1SCS Elective10/1/2024

Adobe Certification

CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Adobe Certified Dreamweaver3CGS 1820 - Web Page Design 10/15/2024
Adobe Certified Flash3CGS 2821 - Graphics and Multimedia in a Web Environment 10/15/2024
Adobe Photoshop3CGS 2821 - Graphics and Multimedia in a Web Environment10/15/2024
Autodesk Certified Associate3ETD 2320 - Computer Aided Drafting I10/15/2024
Certified Medical Administrative SpecialistxOTA 0609A - Medical Office Procedures10/15/2024
xxOTA 0627 - Medical Secretary Clinical 
CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
CertiportxCGS 1000 - Computer Conceptsx
CertiportxCGS 1100 - Microcomputer Applicationsx
CertiportxCNT 1000 - Introduction to Networkingx
CertiportxCGS 1000 - Computer Conceptsx
CISCO CCENT3CET 1600 - Networking Fundamentals-Cisco Academyx
CISCO CCENT3CET 1610 - Routing and Switching Essentials-Cisco Academyx
CISCO CCNA3CET 1600 - Networking Fundamentals-Cisco Academyx
CISCO CCNA3CET 1610 - Routing and Switching Essentials-Cisco Academy
CISCO CCNA3CET 2615 - Scaling Networks-Cisco Academy
CISCO CCNA3CET 2620 - Connecting Networks-Cisco Academyx
CIW Associate3CGS 2821 - Graphics and Multimedia in a Web Environment x
CIW Associate Design Specialist3CGS 1820 - Web Page Designx
CIW E-Commerce Designer3CGS 1820 - Web Page Designx
CIW Master Designer3CGS 2827 - Advanced Web Page Designx
x3GEB 1136 - Introduction to E-Businessx


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
CIW Associate3SEC101- Introduction to Computer Software10/1/2024
CIW Associate Design Specialist3SEC200- Introduction to Computer Security Techniques10/1/2024
CIW E-Commerce Designer3SEC201- Introduction to Networking10/1/2024
CIW Master Designer3SEC230- Networking and Telecommunications10/1/2024


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
Master Barber30Various10/1/2024


CredentialCreditEXT CourseApproval Date
15 Invaluable Growth Laws3Psych Elective11/1/2024
Art Class3VARTS Elective11/1/2024
Barbering Apprentice Program Certification35CSC Elective11/1/2024
Genesis Initiative: Phase 1 Past3LIBART Elective11/1/2024
Grief & Loss - Behavioral Health Program3Psych Elective11/1/2024